What to do, if your jaw is not working well?

Mgr. Marcel Duda
Hlavný fyzioterapeut
Venuje sa najmä diagnostike a terapii poúrazových a pooperačných stavov pohybového aparátu a ako kondičný tréner aj úplnej rekonvalescencii športovcov.
In this podcast interview with Didiana, we explore the common issues associated with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The TMJ is the joint that connects the jawbone to the skull, and problems with this joint can cause a range of symptoms.
During the interview, we discuss the prevalence of TMJ issues, with studies indicating that approximately 10 to 15 percent of the population experiences some form of TMJ disorder. These issues can be caused by various factors, including jaw misalignment, teeth grinding, stress, or even trauma to the joint.
Together with Mgr. Marcel Duda discuss the possibilities of treatment of TMK disorders, the importance of proper diagnosis to determine the underlying cause of the problem and the course of physiotherapy itself.