Knee pain

Mgr. Marcel Duda
Head Physiotherapist
Venuje sa najmä diagnostike a terapii poúrazových a pooperačných stavov pohybového aparátu a ako kondičný tréner aj úplnej rekonvalescencii športovcov.
Lockdown and long-term homeoffice have prompted many people to take up impact sports in outdoor environments that their bodies were not used to or prepared for. Playing sports without warm-ups and professional supervision resulted in uncomfortable knee pain and muscle imbalances in the lower extremities. Knee pain can be felt when moving, but also when a person does not perform any physical activity. In the latter case, it can often be the result of a problem of a degenerative nature.
Whether we play sport or not, it is very important that we pay proper attention to our knees to protect them from possible injuries and pain. How to prevent knee pain, how to deal with it and why it is important to exercise under the supervision of a specialist, will be revealed to you by one of our Head Physiotherapists - Mgr. Marcel Duda.