Who is Ľudmila Mojžišová?
Ľudmila Mojžišová was a Czech therapist, a nurse who dealt with spinal pain and infertility treatment. During her time at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, she applied her treatment for the first time on female athletes. Later she developed her method, which consists of mobilizing the ribs, loosening the coccyx and pelvic floor through the rectum, mobilizing the lower back in specific exercises. She mainly treated women with back pain, irregular and painful menstruation, functional female sterility and infertility, painful coccyx and urinary incontinence. A number of these women have managed to conceive through this method even though they have been diagnosed with infertility. Because of this success, she began working with gynaecologist Prof. Evžen Čech.
What does this method consist of?
The method of Ľudmila Mojžišová works on the basis of reflexive influence of the neuromuscular apparatus through the treatment of the pelvic floor muscles through the rectum with the use of mobilization techniques on the ribs, back and pelvis. Thanks to this relaxation, the autonomic nervous system (mainly the parasympathetic system), which acts on the female genital organs, is affected. In order for the treatment to be successful, it is important not only to treat and mobilise the parts of the body in question, but also to actively involve the client in the treatment in the form of exercise. The exercise unit contains 12 exercises that are aimed at activating the gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles, adjusting the breathing stereotype and thus acting to relax the sacroiliac joint. With all these techniques, there is better blood circulation to the small pelvis and this leads to functional improvement of gynaecological problems.
The course of therapy with us:
At the first visit we examine the client standing, lying on the back and on the abdomen. We palpate the first seven ribs, assess whether they are in the correct position and whether they show signs of blockages or other reflex spasms. Next we examine the low back, SI joints and pelvic floor. Not every visit needs to end with an examination of the pelvic floor through the rectum. Sometimes it is enough to teach the patient an exercise to relax the pelvic floor and sacroiliac joint muscles. We continue with an examination of blockages and chained spasms and then teach the patient a home exercise unit. If the condition does not worsen, the patient continues to exercise on her own twice daily and is checked by a physiotherapist as needed.
Back pain, pelvic and skeletal pain, inability to conceive (functional sterility), inability to bear a fetus (infertility), painful menstruation (dysmenorrhoea), painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia), urinary incontinence, obstipation
Prolapse of the recta, acute haemorrhoidal conditions, malignancy and mobility luxation of the shoulder (with rib mobilisation)